Starward S’mores Old Fashioned

Starward Whisky will be keeping you warm and delighted with their Starward Two-Fold S'mores Old Fashioned and Whisky Apple Hot Toddy, exclusively available at the Vivid Fire Kitchen. Starward Whisky Tasting Bars will be running from Thursday - Sunday 6pm - 9pm at all bars, for a taste of our award winning liquid gold and the Whisky Apple Hot Toddy.



60ml Starward Two-Fold whisky

10ml honey syrup

3 dashes Fee Brothers Chocolate Bitters

Biscoff & chocolate dust

Toasted marshmallow



Run honey syrup around the rim of a rocks glass and dip in to Biscoff & chocolate dust

Add whisky, honey syrup and bitters to the glass

Add ice and stir 5 to 6 times using a cocktail spoon

Garnish with a toasted marshmallow



To make the Biscoff and chocolate dust, combine equal parts crushed Biscoff biscuits and chocolate drinking powder.

To make the honey syrup, combine equal parts honey and boiling water, stir until combined.